The Academy’s AFL Junior Development Program provides development opportunities for talented young AFL players in the Western Sydney region. In partnership with AFL (NSW/ACT), the Academy AFL Junior Development Program provide opportunities for local junior players in the areas of technical skill, education and personal development.

The Program will comprise of technical, athlete education and fitness elements for Academy scholarship holders.

The AFL Junior Development program will run for a 10 week period, commencing on 3rd February 2020 and conclude on 6th April 2020. Weekly training sessions will be held at 138 Gipps Road Smithfield on Monday evenings 6:00pm – 7:30pm.

To be eligible for the Academy AFL Junior Development Program, athletes must be:

  • Aged 11-12 for the majority of the Program;
  • Committed to progressing to higher representation within the sport of AFL;
  • A current financial member of an AFL Club or Association within the western Sydney region;
  • Currently residing within the Local Government Areas of Blacktown, Blue Mountains, Cumberland, Fairfield, Hawkesbury, Parramatta, Penrith or The Hills.


An athlete levy of $150 is applicable to selected athletes, which assists in meeting the costs of the Program.

In addition to regular scheduled training sessions, the following benefits will apply to athletes selected within the WSAS AFL Junior Development Program:

  • Access to first class training facilities;
  • Individual, as well as squad coaching;
  • Identification and training methods to correct technique;
  • Athlete education program including seminars provided by specialists in nutrition, sports psychology, cyber safety, integrity in sport and injury management & prevention;
  • Access to online portals for ASADA and other relevant websites;
  • Access to the WSAS Team App online communication system;
  • Academy athlete uniform clothing;
  • A discount on services provided by Sydney West Sports Medicine.